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Board colors
Player colors

Almost all color settings can be adjusted for individual preferences. For example the color of normal squares are either green or ocher, depending on the region. Settings are applied immediately and stored automatically, independent from presets.

At Board colors the options for bonus and normal squares are listed. Per double click or click on the 'change' button the standard dialog for color settings opens. The 'user defined colors' within this dialog are applied according default settings to make the reactivation of the original configuration easy.

Under Player color you will find a special feature of Scrabble3D: tiles of players can have a distinct color when the option Use player color is enabled. Per click on one the panels below you can choose the color for players (1 to 4). And with Shaded the reading of the letter should be supported in case of bright colors.

Furthermore you can Mark the last move. With this option you can easily identify the least moves of your opponents. Again, the colors can be chosen by click on the panel.

Chat messages get the same color as defined for the players during network mode. With the option Chat color luminance you may control the intensity of this color to make even yellow or other bright colors readable on white background. And in case of a system theme with darker background you might want to have text with rather more lightness.

The last option Background color can be used to change the appearance of the 2D and 3D view.

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